Governor Punjab, Salman Taseer said that Basant will be celebrated all over Punjab on 15 March. This looks like a real joke because now there is Section 144 in all Punjab and if then they permit or take over Section 144. How many more steps do they take to restrict Long March. I definitely say here shame on you Salman Taseer.
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One of my friend's Messages to PPP.....I do not know who is leading all of this, I never ever thought about it that My party Pakistan People Party can play a cheap role in Pakistan, lies that down our necks in front of others, promises that led PPP in front of people, Commitments. I am sorry my leader Banazir Bhutto (Shaheed) I can't support them, I am Sorry Quaid-e-Awam Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (Shaheed) I cant Support them. They are not like you and BB, I am sorry I am going o left this party but I always support you and your commitments. Now about the latest mobile phones and their prices only through Mobile Phone Prices in Pakistan
all these governers and presidents and prime ministers of pakistan are terrorists. They are MOST responsible for all attacks.