Sunday, February 20, 2022

Rehan Riaz Merchant Identified 15 Common Exercise Mistakes for Beginners

According to Rehan Riaz Merchant, physical exercise or workout in your daily routine is very fruitful. It improves your health, your posture, your outlook, and mental health. Mistakes are a part of workout beginners and everyone does this but the important thing is to learn from your mistakes as soon as possible. It is very common that beginners do very common mistakes, which ultimately slow down their progress. In order to avoid them, you should try to consume most of the energy on the right exercise. By avoiding them you will consume your strength in the right place and the workout become fun and will reward you with a better experience and not the cause of pain or serious injuries.

Rehan Riaz Merchant identified the 15 Common exercise mistakes which beginners do and the guidance to fix them on time. It is very important for beginners to avoid exercise mistakes at the very start and make your workout enjoyable, rewarding, and more productive. Below are the very common exercise mistakes that every beginner has to consider and try to avoid at the very start.

1. Exercise without setting a Goals

Many of the beginners do start exercise without setting up a goal, this is the biggest mistake normally beginners do. Planning is the most important component to achieving something and setting up goals is more important to keep your motivation high. American Council on Exercise found, “many people who drop out of their exercise routine never set clear, realistic goals or even had any goals in mind at all”. It is important to measure your progress by setting up short and long-term goals.

For example: if you set a long-term goal to lose 30 pounds, you have to set short-term goals which will help you to keep motivated and keep your focus to achieve the long-term goals. The short-term goals are normally achievable and give you the feel to achieve long-term goals. Rehan Riaz Merchant on the Seven Essential Nutrients that Sustain Human Life

2. Starting exercise without Warm-up

Warm-up is as important as the exercise for your body, starting exercise without a proper warm-up is the biggest mistake beginners do. It may cause very serious problems for beginners, so it is very necessary for them to start exercise after warm-up. By warming up, you are relaxing your joints, increasing your blood flow, and making body temperature to the level where you can do strong exercise. So it is advised to warm up before exercise before properly starting proper exercise and the best warm-up exercise is foam rolling.

3. Focus on the only one exercise

Focusing more on one exercise is another mistake that beginners commonly do. As per the National Institute of Health, physical movement helps to develop strength, build stamina, flexibility, and balance in your body. All of this happened once you do the exercises which involve the whole of your body. Some exercise gives you only 1 or 2 benefits or focuses only on the selected part of the body. So it is important for beginners to work on the different exercises, which help you to build your strength, stamina, flexibility, and balance in your body.

4. Skipping Strength Training

Building muscles is one part of the exercise the other thing which most beginners avoid or ignore is strength training. Strength training helps and maintains your bone density.

5. Missing the Stretch

Stretching before and after exercise is very important because it improves your blood flow and also helps you to repair tired muscles. The starching also helps to prevent delayed onset muscle soreness and relieve pain.

6. Not taking Professional Guidance

Doing exercise without knowledge is not good for your health or body and most beginners repeatedly do this. It is important to take guidance from the professional trainers, they will help you to avoid fitness problems and perform exercises properly with set goals and motivation.

7. Overtraining or trying to progress fast

Overtraining or achieving results so fast is another common mistake from beginners. Most of the starters mistakenly do this because of their excitement but they forget to know that this may cause some problems for them. It is advised to adopt things slowly, so your body and mind can accept them. A consistent exercise routine normally helps you more than focusing on hard or long workouts.

8. Not eating with planning

If you wanted to be healthy remember to take a good diet alongside your physical exercise. It does not mean to the left or to give up your favorite food. Make small changes to your menu and exercise activity and add a fresh salad or other organic food instead of fatty food. Rehan Riaz Merchant Diet and Weight Management

9. Not drinking water

Dehydration can cause serious problems for beginners, so it is advised to keep a water bottle along with you and drink water as much as possible, before, during exercise, and after a workout.

10. Not taking a deep breathe

Your muscles get oxygen from a deep breath. It is important to take a deep breath during your workout. If you are unable to catch your breath, revisit your form and slow down.

11. Not doing according to book

Improper form is very common for beginners, this leads to serious injuries. Secondly, improper workouts keep you away from your set goals. Doing an exercise incorrectly will produce nothing for your rather pain. Again you need a professional trainer, who guides you about the right form and correct way of doing exercise.

12. Not consistent with a workout

Consistency is a baseline for exercise, the intensity of your workout never matters. A harder or longer workout without any routine will only increase the chances of injuries. It is advised to exercise more often for a shorter duration rather than be inconsistent or work hard.

13. Taking too much rest in between exercise sets

Taking long rest in between the sets is nothing more than a waste of time. Do your exercise with the composition of a different set of exercises that are interrelated or fix your rest period for 20 to 30 seconds.

14. Not wearing workout clothes

Wearing uncomfortable or not suitable attire also affects your performance. You don’t need to spend a lot of money on your workout clothes. It is as simple as you like, you just need to be judgmental. Loose and comfortable clothes are best suitable for workouts.

15. Avoiding Recovery Time

Recovery time for the muscles is very important which most beginners ignored. It is important to give your body time to recover your muscles and get back to your full energy. Remember, each workout has its own length of time.

Every beginner is bound to make a few workout mistakes but it is important for you to take time, understand your body, give time to your body, and the best thing to do is to get proper advice from professional trainers. You wanted to invest most in your fitness but some mistakes lead to injuries. So remember, if you want to get the best out of workouts, set your goals by planning and consistent. Do not push hard to achieve the maximum in minimum time. Rehan Riaz Merchant identified the 15 common mistakes for the beginners, so they can consider them and try to avoid them. 

Thursday, May 30, 2019

International cooperation on Anti Money Laundering Measures

According to study by Lal Chand, money laundering and terrorist financing is a pillar of any country's national security and a strong financial system. It is nonan undertaking that requires the coordinated and dedicated efforts of policy makers, law enforcement, supervisors, and the private sector, particularly financial institutions. It is essential that we work closely together to develop and effectively implement strong laws and regulations to detect, deter, and disrupt illicit finance. Equally important is that we understand and communicate the money laundering and terrorist financing threats, vulnerabilities, and risks facing our country says Lal Chand in its study.

According to Law Analyst Lal Chand money laundering laws needs to be in line to international laws.  Another basic principle that guides the establishment of these best practices is that, in order to facilitate international co-operation in combating TBML/FT, countries could establish clear and effective gateways, subject to appropriate controls and safeguards and existing legal frameworks against money laundering says Lal Chand, to facilitate the prompt and effective exchange of trade data and other relevant information, on a case-by-case basis or as otherwise appropriate, among authorized counterparts. (Offshore Company Incorporation in Dubai is legal and you can legally avoid your taxes by the formation of an offshore company in Dubai but only through a sound and expert legal consultant who know's everything about its documentation and structures.) 

In line with this basic principle, countries are encouraged to provide the widest possible range of mutual legal assistance in money laundering investigations and prosecutions. This includes being able to share trade data and relevant financial information with other countries through the framework of mutual legal assistance in a timely, constructive and effective manner. Countries could also be able to co-operate in joint TBML/FT investigations. 

According to Lal Chand It is best practice in this area for countries to be able to share trade data directly to avoid money laundering says Lal Chand with their foreign counterparts (i.e. administrative assistance). Clear and effective gateways, mechanisms or channels that will facilitate such information exchange could be established. For example, the TTUs of some countries share a single database which allows them to manage and match trade data. This mechanism is further enhanced by having foreign liaison officers working within the TTU. Another, more common mechanism i in anti money laundering is a memorandum of understanding. Regional or international information exchange platforms for anti money laundering may also be used to facilitate the exchange of trade data (e.g. the Customs Information System in the European Union or the Egmont Group Secure Network of FIUs). Where the sharing of specific trade information with foreign counterparts is prohibited, countries are encouraged to share sanitized trade data. Countries may also wish to explore other data exchange models based on different levels of statistical aggregation. 

Legitimate trading activities for Anti Money laundering Activities
It is a basic Lal Chand anti money laundering principle that the above measures could be implemented with a view to ensuring that legitimate trading activities are not unreasonably hindered or obstructed. Consistent with this basic principle of anti money laundering standards, countries are encouraged to keep the following considerations in mind when implementing measures to combat TBML/FT: competitive neutrality, competition and economic efficiencies, the desirability of ensuring that regulatory considerations are addressed in a way that does not impose unnecessary financial and administrative burdens on reporting entities, and the risk that commercially sensitive information could be misused (i.e. for purposes other than combating TBMUFT). 

A review of the current practices of various jurisdictions shows that the following measures on anti money laundering laws can be implemented without hindering legitimate trading activities: 
  • Applying an intelligence, risk-based and target-based approach which makes consistent use of TBML/FT red flag indicators. 
  • Using data capture mechanisms such as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), which is a set of standards for standardizing the structure of information to be electronically exchanged between authorities, from one computer system to another, without human intervention and subject to appropriate data protection safeguards. 
  • Authorizing traders that meet certain criteria to benefit from facilitation for customs controls or simplifications for customs rules (e.g. Member states of the European Union recognize Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) status which is granted to traders that meet the following criteria: an appropriate record of customs compliance, satisfactory management systems that 
Ratification and implementation of UN instruments 
Countries should also immediately implement the United Nations resolutions relating to the prevention and suppression of the financing of terrorist acts, particularly United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373. Reporting suspicious transactions related to terrorism.

International Co-operation 
Recognizing the vital importance of taking action  against money laundering  to combat the financing of terrorism, the FATF has agreed these Recommendations, which, when combined with the FATF Forty Recommendations on money laundering, set out the basic framework to detect, prevent and suppress the financing of terrorism and terrorist acts. 

Each country should take immediate steps to ratify and to implement fully the 1999 United Nations International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism.

II. Criminalizing the financing of terrorism and associated money laundering each country should criminalize the financing of terrorism, terrorist acts and terrorist organizations. Countries should ensure that such offenses are designated as money laundering predicate offenses. 

Freezing and confiscating terrorist assets 
Each country should implement measures to freeze without delay funds or other assets of terrorists, those who finance terrorism and terrorist organizations in accordance with the United Nations resolutions relating to the prevention and suppression of the financing of terrorist acts. 

Each country should also adopt and implement measures against money laundering, including legislative ones, which would enable the competent authorities to seize and confiscate property that is the proceeds of, or used in, or intended or allocated for use in, the financing of terrorism, terrorist acts or terrorist organizations. 

If financial institutions, or other businesses or entities subject to anti-money laundering obligations, suspect or have reasonable grounds to suspect that funds are linked or related to, or are to be used for terrorism, terrorist acts or by terrorist organizations, they should be required to report promptly their suspicions to the competent authorities. 

Each country should afford another country, on the basis of a treaty, arrangement or other mechanism for mutual legal assistance or information exchange, the greatest possible measure of assistance in connection with criminal, civil enforcement, and administrative investigations, inquiries and proceedings relating to the financing of terrorism, terrorist acts and terrorist organizations. Countries should also take all possible measures to ensure that they do not provide safe havens for individuals charged with the financing of terrorism, terrorist acts or terrorist organizations, and should have procedures in place to extradite, where possible, such individuals. 

Via  and Via

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Bakhtawar Bhutto to Enter Politics

Looks like Bilawal will have a sibling companion in the political world – according to sources from Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), President Asif Ali Zardari has decided to introduce his second eldest child, Bakhtawar Bhutto-Zardari into politics “based on strong recommendations from PPP members.” His 18 year old daughter will reportedly enter politics after completing her studies at Edinburgh in Scotland, noted news sources.

The announcement took place during a meeting with the PPP’s Central Executive Committee on Monday, where members were discussing the expansion and reshuffling of the federal cabinet, among other issues. A participant in the session quoted Zardari as saying that Bakhtawar and Bilawal’s “active participation in politics will be the continuation of the valiant struggle that their mother and grandfather had waged.” Dawn cited sources who also noted that Zardari, during the meeting, “pointed out to the participants that Bakhtawar Bhutto-Zardari was also taking keen interest in politics, on which participants of the meeting backed the President’s idea.” According to the Nation, Bakhtawar was present at the meeting, “as a special invitee.”

Yet another example of what many have called blatant dynastic politics. What was interesting, though, was this line from Dawn: “Sources from PPP say that the decision is aimed at presenting Bakhtawar Bhutto-Zardari as a successor to former premier Benazir Bhutto and to compete with Fatima Bhutto in the national political sphere.” In a recent interview with Guernica Magazine, Fatima Bhutto, the daughter of the late Murtaza Bhutto (brother to Benazir), indicated that she has no intention of joining politics, asserting, “I really won’t. There are so many reasons not to enter politics that I can think of.”

When the interviewer pressed her on the topic, asking, “When I read, watch, or hear you say in interviews that you don’t believe in dynastic politics, I always think, ‘Maybe that, paradoxically, is exactly who Pakistan needs,’” she responded,

We’re already hearing from dynastic quarters in Pakistan: Yes, yes, I know it’s a dynasty. But actually, I’ve got great experience from my parents or… Yes, yes, I know dynasty is bad, but my uncle takes me along to all of his meetings and therefore I get to… Whatever. I think there are many other ways to push for change or be political, and I think that at the moment doing what I do, writing and speaking, I’m unfettered, I’m not obliged to anyone or anything, and I’m free to speak my mind. That’s not the case when you’re in politics.

My sentiments exactly. It’s disturbing to me that an 18 year old and a 20 year old have already been pinned to run one of the country’s largest political parties. If the political torch of “democratic” parties are ultimately passed down by blood, can we really call that a democracy? Read More Bakhtawar Bhutto to Enter Politics

Petrol being sold on old prices across the country

courtesy Geo
The petrol prices was increased after the budget of 2009/10 due to announcement of carbon tax and it increased almost 15% to 20% in all over Pakistan. But after the action of Superem Court the news came on ground that The petrol is being sold at old prices in Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta and other parts of the country despite governments’ announcement to cut petroleum product prices.

The petrol price has been slid up to Rs.11 per liter following the SC verdict, which ordered government to suspend carbon tax surcharge on petroleum products, sources said.

Following the SC directions, the OGRA had issued notification dropping carbon tax surcharges on petroleum products leaving the petrol as much as 11 rupees down per liter.

The citizens have welcome the cut in petroleum prices but said that petrol pumps still selling petroleum products on old prices.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Geo’s Pro-Indian Attitude

I recently got email from one of my group member mentioning Geo Television’s Attitude. I remember watching similar images before this on Geo’s site. I don’t know if its deliberately done by GEO, but I am sure, no patriot can ignore this…

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In this image Geo Shows Pakistan’s Map without Kashmir, There are several Rumors that Geo is supported by Anti-Pakistan forces, and this action of Geo proves it. One more Important thing that an Indian Company Bajaj owns 40% shares of Geo Television. (Rumors) Read More Geo’s Pro-Indian Attitude

Yes We Can! Pakistan Winner of T20 World Cup 2009

What a proud moment for the Pakistan Team which was underrated before the start of the tournament trouncing the Sri Lankans by 8 wickets and winning the T20 World Cup championship held in London , Pakistanis displayed their excellent bowling and batting in turn entertained the crowd and elevated their country’s name to dizzy heights.


It was Shahid Afridis heroics again which earned him the Man of the Match for his brilliant 54 and a wicket , he had been the match winner on numerous times , removing Lance Gibbs with a viscious turner and cleaning up DVilliers turned the match in favour of Pakistanis in the Semi final played against South Africa, his four wickets with sharp turning deliveries shunted out the Ireland batsmen in the decider to scramp home to the semi finals. Read More Yes We Can! Pakistan Winner of T20 World Cup 2009

Monday, June 15, 2009

General Kayani is the first Army chief of Pakistan who made F-16 flight

ISLAMABAD, June 15 (Xinhua) -- Pakistan's army chief General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani Monday took part in an air operation against militants in the country's northwest, local TV channels reported.

Kayani flew an F-16 fighter jet himself to hit positions of the militants in Swat and Malakand of Pakistan's North West Frontier Province (NWFP).

Kayani, who wore the uniform of a pilot, was accompanied by a co-pilot during the air operation.

It is the first time in Pakistan's history that an army chief directly took part in an operation.

Earlier, speaking at an operational base at Sargodha in the eastern Punjab province, Kayani said that the operation "Rahe Raast" (true path) in Swat and Malakand had been launched to guide the astray people to the right track.

He said that the operation was not a solution to the problem and a solution would be hammered out in accordance with the traditions and culture of the tribal area. He said that Pakistan did not require advice from anywhere.

Describing it as an important war, the army chief said that the utmost care was being made to avoid civilian casualties in the operation. Read More General Kayani is the first Army chief of Pakistan who made F-16 flight

Rehan Riaz Merchant Identified 15 Common Exercise Mistakes for Beginners

According to Rehan Riaz Merchant , physical exercise or workout in your daily routine is very fruitful. It improves your health, your postur...